Use Google Analytics for Real Time Web Tracking

Google Analytics

How are your customers using your website? Where are they coming from? How long are they staying? What pages within your site are the most popular? If you own a website, you should know the answers to these questions. Web analytics reporting is some of the most important knowledge you can invest in for your site.

Your site analytics tell you how people are using your site, what search terms got them there, from what browsers and types of devices (desktop computer, phone, tablet, etc.) and can even tell you how many users convert to sales or lead submissions.

In addition to providing valuable intelligence about how customers are using your site, analytics can now provide real time tracking, which means you can see a snapshot of exactly what's going on at your site at any given time. How many users are online? What pages are they visiting right this minute? How quickly are they moving from page to page?

Most site analytics could read like nonsense to someone who isn't intimately familiar with what they're looking at. What are bounce rates? How about visitor flow? There are so many nuances when it comes to analytics, and you don't want to miss something critical. A high-quality Nashville web optimization firm will provide you with information that address analytics in a straightforward manner.

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